Thursday, September 3, 2009

It is a matter of choice.

I have yet to understand why so many people choose to show photographs that are poorly done.

With the proliferation of MySpace, Facebook, and other social networking websites comes the showing off of people’s photographs.

There are many people on these sites that post photographs (mainly self portraits) that are so blurry the person in the photograph is just about unrecognizable. With a digital camera in hand there is no reason to have a photo that blurry….. Delete it!!!! Try again it is not that hard to take another one.

Two styles of photographs that crack me up are the one out stretched arm photos, and the bathroom mirror shots. Again with digital cameras there is no reason to have shots like these… Just about all digital cameras have a self timer setting that give the user ample time to set it pose and have a photo taken. The only exception to this is if the user is using a cell phone camera there are not many that have a self timer built in yet. Please learn to use your camera, read the manual… Buy a small tripod there are some really good ones on the market that are compact and will not cost you an arm and a leg.
If you only have a cell phone camera that does not have a self timer call your best friend over and have them take the photos for you… You are going to post them on the web for the whole world to see, you may as well get someone to help you out…

Photography is a lot of fun, and it is great that we are able to carry cameras just about everywhere we go these days… With a small amount of effort these same photographs could be much better.
Just remember when you want quality photographs you can be proud of, check your local listings for a professional photographer, be sure to take a look at their website to be sure the quality is up to a standard you would like to display for a life time…

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