Photography: The creative outlet, and my passion…
Years of formal and informal studying mostly informal, reading books, looking at other photographer’s works, engaged in forums online with others that have like interest and taking in a scene at every turn, seeing the light and shadows of everything around me…
Photography was a hobby for many years; in 2003 I took the leap and turned my passion into a career. I quickly found that making art through photography was the easy part the hard part is finding customers… The three “B’s” of photography I found to be the main source of income; Brides, Babies, & Business’ photographs.
Years of formal and informal studying mostly informal, reading books, looking at other photographer’s works, engaged in forums online with others that have like interest and taking in a scene at every turn, seeing the light and shadows of everything around me…
Photography was a hobby for many years; in 2003 I took the leap and turned my passion into a career. I quickly found that making art through photography was the easy part the hard part is finding customers… The three “B’s” of photography I found to be the main source of income; Brides, Babies, & Business’ photographs.
The countless smiles in front of me, and the tears of joy from a proud mother as she sees the photographs in her hand for the first time, give me a great sense of accomplishment, and fill my heart with joy. The unpredictability of children challenges most parents, and I rather enjoy seeing the interaction and just roll with what is going on. I reassure the parents their child is not the spawn of the devil. I calmly explain to the parents that they should not force the little one to try and smile as that will not make for a good photograph, instead let’s take a break have a snack and or a drink and try again in a few minutes…
Brides and the one day that will be one of the most memorable days of their life bring a whole
other set of challenges to the table. While it is very gratifying to see the end result of the work that is done, it is very stressful for me as I am always worried I will miss something. I am but one person and there is so much going on, on the special day…

Business’ that would like to showcase their personalities are great to work for. Though corporate headshots while normally boring can still be artfully done.
Thank you, for taking the time to read the first of my Blogs…